Just for Fun » Student Tech Team

Student Tech Team

We invite you to sign up to be a member of our exciting Tech Team.

Members can participate in workshops to prepare for our school-wide competitive Game Jam. Any number of students can participate in the workshops and Game Jam competition.

Some members will help interested Palms students learn to code, using Python, Unity, C#, C++, Blender, and more.

Tech Team Leaders

Certain students are selected as Tech Team Leaders from a teacher's recommendation based on their technology skills.

Tech Team Leaders will create the lessons/workshops and will assist Palms staff members, teachers, and students with technical issues.

To apply to be a Tech Team Leader, get an application in Room 141. You will also need a teacher to recommend you.

Club Meetings

Tech Team:

The workshop and Game Jam schedule has not yet been announced. To sign up for the Tech Team, go to Room 141.

Tech Team Leaders:

We meet on Thursdays during lunch in Room 141.