Grade 7 » Seventh Grade

Seventh Grade

Seventh grade students have six separate teachers and have their academic classes in the main section of campus. This is a step up from sixth grade.

Students learn to manage their classwork, their homework, and the separate schedule for each of their classes.

Students in the Modern Media and Communications Magnet use technology to create presentations on topics of their choice, and they learn public speaking in preparation for the Palms Talks assembly.


Seventh grade students have their first opportunity to participate in electives such as these:

Modern Media and Communications Magnet

Other programs

Explore any of these other 7th grade programs:

Meeting for future 8th graders

Current 7th graders who will be 8th graders at Palms for 2024-2025, and their parents, should attend a "Shape Your Child's Future" Zoom meeting about culmination requirements on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 5:30pm.

Zoom link


DNA Day field trip

Toy Drive

Emergency Preparedness Fair


Ms. Gauthier is the 7th grade counselor.

Mr. Jauregui is the Assistant Principal overseeing 7th grade.

Do you know?

Can 7th graders run for Student Body offices?

7th graders can run for any office except  for Student Body President.

Only 8th graders can run for Student Body President.