Ms. Michelle Goldberg » Ms. Goldberg

Ms. Goldberg

English - Room 135

Welcome to Ms. Goldberg's 8th grade English class!

Greetings! My name is Michelle Goldberg and I am happy to be teaching 8th grade English here at Palms Middle School.

Please check Schoology for the latest updates, due dates, assignments, and grades.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

Class Schedule 2023-2024

Period Class
1 Honors English 8
2 Honors English 8
3 Honors English 8
4 Conference
5 Honors English 8
6 Honors English 8

Why I teach:

I teach to instill a desire for learning among my students. I feel we are all life-long learners, and life is all about those sparks of discovery along the way. I want my students to see the value of knowledge and to understand the strength and power it will give them throughout their lives.

What I teach:

I believe in providing a rigorous, standards-based curriculum that encourages students to become in-depth thinkers who make connections to the greater world. I stress the importance of discipline and a strong work ethic, showing how hard work builds character and leads to success.

How I teach:

I work to create a classroom culture of learning, where students are comfortable exploring and practicing problem- solving techniques. In order to establish a sense of purpose, I routinely find ways to apply concepts to real-life. As an educator, I see the importance of keeping an open mind. I consistently adapt, modify, and vary my curriculum, delivery of instruction, and instructional strategies to address the needs of all of my students.

Differentiation Strategies

There are several di"erent strategies I use to di"erentiate for the range of learners I teach, from beginning ESL students, to Honors and Highly Gifted students. Below is a list of some of the strategies and techniques I use, and following are some examples of successful lessons and materials using these techniques.

SDAIE Strategies:

  • Accessing Prior Knowledge (KWL)
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Manipulatives and Foldables
  • Graphic Organizers- pre-writing, maps, storyboards
  • Visuals- photographs, multimedia presentations, use of technology
  • Sentence Starters
  • Accountable Talk- Think/Pair/Share

GATE Strategies:

  • Accelerated Pace
  • Multiple paths to similar outcome based on interest, ability, and learning style
  • Free Choice Projects
  • Thematic, broad, concept- based lessons
  • Cross-Curricular Projects- Connection to other classes and the outside world
  • Higher-Level Thinking tasks- Bloom’s Upper Levels, Depth of Knowledge
  • Projects that address di"erent learning modalities- Oral/ Visual/ Group/ Individual/ Hands-On/ Physical Movement
  • Address real-world problems and concerns Use of complex texts
  • Learning Stations
  • Use of Technology

Download Syllabus


My Alma Mater

U.C. Santa Barbara