Mr. Carlos Santana » Mr. Santana

Mr. Santana

English and Ancient Civilizations 6 - Creative Expression - Room 58

Welcome to Mr. Santana's 6th grade English and Ancient Civilizations classes or Creative Expression class!

For English and History I'll be team-teaching with your Math and Science teacher.

Parents and guardians: Welcome to Palms Middle School: I’m looking forward to an exciting school year and hope to meet you at Back to School Night. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the classroom guidelines below.


Class Schedule 2023-2024

Period Class
1 English 6
2 Ancient Civilizations 6
3 Honors English 6
4 Honors Ancient Civilizations 6
5 Creative Expression
6 Conference

Classroom Guidelines


  1. Homework will be assigned at times on a daily basis Monday-Friday.
  2. You can be especially helpful to your child by providing him/her with a quiet place to complete homework. No TVs, radios, or phones.
  3. Tests will be sent home for parent/guardians to look over and sign acknowledging that they have reviewed the work. Please return the next school day. Check planners to see when tests are programmed and returned for corrections and parent signature.
  4. Reports must be neatly written or typed.

Missed Homework Policy

  • Students are responsible for writing assignments and deadlines in their planners.
  • Late work will be marked down according to how late it is turned in.
  • If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the work.
  • It is strongly recommended that students exchange phone numbers with a responsible person in his/her classroom, especially if the absence is for more than one day.
  • According to school policy, three (3) missing assignments constitute a “U” in Work Habits.


  1. Report Card Grades are based on a cumulative average of test scores, quizzes, performance assignments, homework, classwork and participation. Special attention will be paid to improvement or the lack thereof on all work.
  2. Grades will be based on standard scale 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, 59% and below = F.
  3. Cooperation Grade reflects general classroom behavior and behavior towards peers. Misbehaving for a substitute will result in a “U” for the day.
  4. Work Habits Grade reflects completed and turned in work along with tardies and attendance. Students are required to be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Excessive tardies (4+) will constitute a “U” in Work Habits.
  5. Any assignments submitted without student’s name, whether a test, homework, classwork, project, etc., will not receive credit. PLEASE NOTE: Missing work will be reflected in your child’s Work Habits Grade. Prior communication may or may not occur. However, to assist on communication between home and school, please encourage your child to use his/her planner. Three missing or improperly completed assignments within a grading period (approximately 5-6 weeks) can constitute a “U” in Work Habits.
  6. Students must be respectful of the learning environment. Gum, candy, etc. are not permitted in the classroom. Speaking out of turn, playing in class and/or any other form of class disruption will constitute a “U” for the day. Five “U’s” in a grading period will be reflected in the report card with a “U” in Cooperation.